It’s August and that means it’s time for the Iowa State Fair! To many, that’s no big deal. To me, it’s perfection—camping with family, catching up with friends from my old stomping grounds, and an oversized room filled with quilts!
For what seems like an eternity, I have ventured to the second floor of the Varied Industries building (with a reluctant husband in tow) and drooled over the smörgåsbord of quilts—a literal feast for the eyes. I took pictures of my favorites. Jotted notes of unique designs. Oooooohhhhhed and aaaaaahhhhhhed. And, of course, added entering my own quilt to a bucket list.
And, every year life seemed to get in the way. Each year, when the fair would roll around and I didn’t have a quilt to enter, I’d tell myself, “Next year.”
Well, this year, I broke the mold, stepped out of my comfort zone, and did it. I finally entered my first quilt!
Not surprisingly, the perfectionist in me is still picking it apart for what I could have done better, but I have to admit I’m quite pleased with myself. So I encourage you to take a minute. Figure out something you want to do right now and make it a reality!